Thursday, October 1, 2009


This blog has moved to

See you there!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Conversations with Cole

We gave Cole a bath last night and Hottie was talking to him and Cole was talking back. A couple of times, Cole started laughing, a new thing for him. Food for my soul. I was lucky enough to catch it on video. Check him out.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Random Thoughts

The weather this weekend was spectacular. Neither hot nor cold, the perfect temperature to open the windows and the doors allowing the breeze to drift through the house and sweeping in the fresh scent. I love this type of weather, where it's neither summer nor winter, but the time right in between, be it spring or fall.

Hottie worked his early morning shift this weekend and was home by early afternoon. We spent the afternoons driving around and looking at houses. You know, the type that we can't afford. It's fun to walk through them and see all the potential if only we were rich.

I've decided that I want a camera. I've wanted one for a couple of years, one of the really nice ones that you can manually zoom in on the subject of the picture and snap an eyelash up close if I wanted to. These cameras aren't cheap. I look at Little Man and worry that I'm not taking enough pictures, not capturing all of the moments that I need to in order to remember the little things that he does when he's the age that he is now. How he scrunches up his entire face when the sun shines on him, how his tongue seems to be a separate part of his body and constantly sticks out, his chubby little cheeks. I want the camera to capture everything that my memory might one day forget.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Foot in Mouth

A couple of weeks ago I bought some new software called Photoshop which enables you to doctor photos, enhance them, and create some special effects. I've been anxious to try out this new software and test it out with some pictures of Little Man, but like so many things, time has gotten away from me.

Well, on my way home from work today I was thinking about how I want to take a good picture of me and put it on the header of this blog. I thought to myself, I'll have to get Hottie to take some pictures of me.

Well, the following conversation took place when I got home and I hope you see the humor in it like I do. Made me laugh hysterically, especially when he had no idea what he said and asked me, what's so funny?

Me: Babe, I want to take some really nice pictures of me and put them on my blog. You know, maybe up in the corner or something, on the header section?

Hottie: Yeah.

Me: A close up of my face, but I want to look really pretty.

Hottie: We'll have to use the Photoshop that you bought.


Hottie wants to enter Little Man in a beauty contest. Yes, you read that right. The DADDY wants to enter the baby in the contest.

He calls me up at work one day and tells me that he's found this web site and we could enter in a picture of Cole and win a lot of money if he wins the grand prize. $25,000.

I'm thinking someone told him about the site or someone he knows has entered in their child as well and that's why he wants to do it. Nope, that's not why he wants to enter.

Everyone keeps telling him, the way that people do when they see a picture, "wow, what a cute baby!", "that baby is so pretty", "he sure is going to get lots of girls when he gets older!" So, Hottie, hearing all this, goes online, finds a beauty contest and now wants to enter Little Man into the contest.

Now, don't forget, that Hottie also knows that Little Man looks just like him.

Did I mention the grand prize is $25,000?

Monday, September 21, 2009


He's a picture of Little Man chillin' in his swing.

Monday, September 14, 2009


I used to hate the rain. That was when I drove my little silver Saturn with the moonroof from hell. Every time it rained, it was like a waterfall flowing through the leak and gushing all over the driver's seat and the rear seat. If I saw clouds in the sky, I dreaded it and would say quick prayers to God that he wouldn't do that to me. I would call home en route and say, "Please open the garage, I need to park in it!" My car would stink of mildew for days until the moisture had dried up.

But now it's as if those years have washed away with the very rain that I dreaded. My new car doesn't leak, so I'm now fully able to enjoy what Mother Nature brings.

In Texas, you can smell the rain before it arrives. The heavy moisture hangs in the air, thickens it, and spreads its dew along the grass and the trees. And then the rain comes. Huge gushes of it. And the ground is so dry, rivers flow, lakes form over roads, and the occasional idiot is stranded with a drowned car because he tried to drive over it.

On days like this, I like to stay in and watch Mother Nature as she reminds us that we're merely humans. Uncapable of the majesty, the sheer force, that she can exert to make her point.

And then I look at my son. Every detail perfect, down to the last fingertip. Majestic.